Close your eyes. Ok, don’t really, because then you won’t be able to read this email. Rather: think of a place you love. A place that brings you joy, where simply breathing the air and taking in the feel of it brings a smile to your face.
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Industrial landscape


Dear Friend,

Close your eyes. Ok, don’t really, because then you won’t be able to read this email. Rather: think of a place you love. A place that brings you joy, where simply breathing the air and taking in the feel of it brings a smile to your face.

30 years!

That’s how I feel about my home state of Louisiana on the Gulf Coast of the United States. I’ve lived here for nearly my entire life, and I spend holidays with my family in the same house where I was born. Inhaling this place — my home — is like breathing in love and life and the joy of decades of fond memories and life lessons.

But the air here doesn’t smell like it used to, and it’s getting worse.

Enormous industrial plants have taken over the landscape, releasing clouds of sickly sweet-smelling chemicals and flooding our waterways with chemicals and plastic. Some chemicals are noticeable, but many more are invisible. Daily, vast expanses of precious wetlands are lost while our local and state governments continue to let these industries pollute the air and water. They’re even actively issuing new permits to allow yet more and bigger plastic plants to be built — plants that the people of Louisiana don’t want or need.

But there is hope, and this is where you come in: People around the world are rising up to fight corporate greed. We're gathering together, we’re organizing, and we’re gaining power. We are educating each other about what’s happening to our hometowns and how to stop it. We have a plan to take local, national, even global action — and that plan needs you, friend.

You have the power, right now, to do something about this. Please consider making a meaningful donation to CIEL today to support its efforts to provide legal analysis and tools to communities like mine, in Louisiana and around the world, who are fighting every day to protect their homes, livelihoods, and lives.

I love Louisiana. And I’m sure there’s a place in this world that you love, too. Both of these places are being harmed by pollution and environmental destruction, one way or another. So let’s join hands, pool our resources, and bring forth a better world — where we’re able to breathe deeply and be joyful in the places we love.

On behalf of the whole CIEL team, I am so thankful to be rolling up my sleeves with you to get this done.

Jane Patton
Jane Patton
Senior Campaigner
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)


P.S. The investment of your time and funds is critical to supporting communities around the world who are stopping the flow of plastic at its source, halting mining projects that would poison waterways and level mountainsides, and demanding ambitious action to confront the climate crisis — often at great personal risk. Please consider making a meaningful gift to CIEL to support this work and join us in creating a different future. Will you join us, friend?

P.P.S. Money isn't the only way to give back. Learning and talking about this issue, giving the gift of your time — we recognize how valuable those contributions to this movement are, too. If you're unable to make a monetary gift and would prefer to opt out of donation appeals, just let us know. (You'll continue to receive our other emails!)

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Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
1101 15th Street NW, 11th Ste, Washington DC, 20005
Phone: (202) 785-8700 | Fax: (202) 785-8701 |
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